General Notes for Dynamis:

  • Tanks should come /BLU for AoE enmity tools. If we bring a second RUN, /DRK on the second isn't a terrible idea if they have good DD gear available.
  • NMs have -75% resistance to geomancy debuffs. As such, Geomancers should switch to focusing more on buff spells (ex: Geo-Fury over Geo-Frailty) on these targets. There's currently some confusion over whether or not the geomancy nerf applies to the special named enemies in Wave 3.
  • Performing the same WS or Blood Pact multiple (twice or more) times in a row on NMs will incur significant and increasingly large damage penalties.
  • When clearing lessers, it's generally more efficient to have melees each solo their own; however, do be mindful of potential SP use.
  • If our plan is to farm Wave 3, statues should be one-shot by mages and/or CORs in order to save precious time.
  • The Wave 1 boss will be pulled to the location of the Wave 2 boss in order to save time clearing the more-difficult Wave 2 enemies.
  • Everyone must have reraise items for the Wave 3 boss.
  • The combined number of rolls and songs you can have active on a player is 12, so plan accordingly.

Statue Functionality

Blue: +50% damage taken. AoEs will deal -99% damage to secondary targets.
Green: +20% damage taken. Resist the effects of all Enfeebling Magic including Sleep and Lullaby.

As such, cleaving this zone is largely impracticable.

Red: NMs (fixed locations)
Colorless: Aurix (location random), or possibly a trap (fixed locations)

Wave 1

Red Eye locations:
  • Magian moogle area, west side (H5): BST/RNG, SAM/BRD
  • Maat area, east side (H5): NIN/BLU, COR/SCH
  • Balcony of palace (H7): THF/DNC, PLD/DRG
  • Auction house (F8/G8): WAR/DRK
  • Upper Jueno entrance (H10): MNK/PUP, WHM/SMN
  • Mog house entrance (I10): RDM/RUN, BLM/GEO

Trap statues are located on the bottom floor of the palace, by the two opposite (non-functional) doors.

Impish Golem

Ideally should be defeated using SCH Distortion+Leaden; If no SCH is available, a melee can open the SC for the COR. Mages with elemental magic should MB the resulting Darkness chain.

Wave 2

Red Eye locations:
  • Magian moogle area, west side (H5): WHM/SMN
  • Between magian moogles and Maat, central (H5): RDM/RUN
  • Maat area, east side (H5): BLM/GEO
  • Inside palace, lower level, west door (G6): WAR/DRK
  • Inside palace, lower level, east door (I6): MNK/PUP
  • Auction house (F8/G8): THF/DNC
  • South of auction house, down the stairs (F8/G8): PLD/DRG
  • San d'Oria Embassy, west side (H9): NIN/BLU
  • Bastok Embassy, south side (H10): SAM/BRD
  • Windurst Embassy, east side (I9): COR/SCH
  • Upper Jeuno entrance (H10): BST/RNG

Trap statues are located on the upper floor of the palace.


Should be zerged down with full buffs (including Bolster/SV and a Bard Rotation).

Wave 3

  • Thunder Circle - Middle of the map by Fountain. Vagabond (THF), Mononofu (SAM)
  • Fire Circle - Up the MH stairs. Trainer (BST), Fistfighter (MNK)
  • Water Circle - Upper Jeuno Zone in front of boss. Duelist (RUN), Cleaver (WAR)
  • Air Circle - By Adventuring Fellow ???. Shinobi (NIN), Conductor (BRD)
  • Ice Circle - Front of AH Stairs. Highwind (DRG), Erudite (SCH)
  • Earth Circle - At AH. Hard to pull seperately. Twirler (DNC), Priest (WHM)
  • Light Circle - Just inside Palace. Hard to pull seperately, many Automatons and BLUs that use AOEs. Manipulator (PUP), Illusionist (RDM)
  • Dark Circle - At Maat. Sailor (COR), Reaper (DRK)


  • Circles do not agro.
  • Pull the mobs from the circle, then have the tank "pull" the circle and stay at a distance (~17'). A ??? Disjoined will attack the tank while the DDs dispatch the circle.
  • It is possible to have a bard sac pull the mobs by a circle while others kill it, or pet pull it. However, both can be a bit tricky in this zone due to how cramped it is.
  • Aurix may spawn from a circle.
  • Circles take more magic damage the closer you're standing to them (similar to the special effect on Orpheus's sash)
  • Volte enemies have 50% Dark/130% Light SDT (which is not great for Leaden). However, you can get around this with Tenebrae Rayke. Obviously this isn't practical on every mob, so Rayke can be saved for the named enemies (Cleaver/etc). Wildfire (or Aeolian) can be used in place of Leaden when Rayke isn't available.

    WAR - Can spam Fell Cleave. Position so that the tank is at max melee range on one side and the DDs are stacked at max melee range at the rear. Fell Cleave will only hit the tank as long as they don't lose hate, since Cleave is centered around the tank. Melee> WAR) <Tank
    DRG - Gains undispellable Shock Spikes after WS. Spirit Surge allows it to heal for 25k+, and can be used multiple times. As such, the wyverns should be killed immediately each time they are called. Non-tanks should stand behind in order to avoid Sonic Thrust.
    BLU - Can quickly cast AoE Blu spells, Silence/Stun recommended
    RDM - AoE Silencega, Bindga, and Slowga spam.The backline should check their distance and ensure that they are not hit themselves
    BST - Pets do not need to be killed. Stun around 50%. If it's a named Fomor, the tank should use a Charm/meva set along with meva buffs/Light carols.
    GEO - Always places bubble where puller aggros it. Be sure bubble is placed before pulling back to alliance. Barring this, either stun its casting of the luopan or kill the luopan before you engage a GEO or you'll probably have lots of deaths. If it's a named Fomor, it will probably recast a luopan while you're fighting, it's important for DD to swap and kill asap, but just in case, WHM sacro works as a final safety net.
    MNK - Can perform potent (1k+) single target WS on tanks.
    NIN- As is true for all of the Wave 3 ninjas, Mijin Gakure caps at 4k, but is single target. DT/Scherzo do not work, but it can be resisted via pure magic evasion or reduced via Phalanx/Stoneskin. A RUN is capable of resisting even without particularly meva-centric gear, but outside of a specialized meva set, a PLD will need to rely on a potent Cureskin effect. It's probably a good idea to support either tank with a preemptive Cureskin.

    Disjoined Mithra

  • Seems to have higher evasion than other Wave 3 bosses.
  • This is a long fight where melee will cap enmity if special measures are not taken; it is therefore ideal to take measures that either shed enmity (Pacifying Ruby, High Jump, Super Jump) or refocus enmity (Caper Emissarius). If this isn't an option, hybrid sets and/or /NIN should be used.
  • You want to have about 30 minutes left on the clock in order to finish it.
  • Adds spawn every 20%. Make sure defensive buffs such as Barrier are up at these times. If a COR add spawns, pull it away then kill.
  • Keep up Reraise for the duration of the fight.
